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Stew Williams |
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Jimi Hendrix Experience Xavier University Fieldhouse March 28,1969 |
Jimi did two shows that evening. I attended the late show and had to sit through some boring hippie light show production for about 45 minutes. Finally Jimi came on stage from the left, while Noel Redding and and Mitch Mitchell came on from the other direction.
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Hendrix at the Xavier Fieldhouse |
Hendrix started out on a white Fender Stratocaster and played a couple of songs; then a string broke. In this era a guitar tech would run up on stage and hand the star another perfectly tuned guitar.
However in 1968 when the string broke, the show was stopped while Hendrix took off the old string and put on a new string. He played a few more songs and the string broke again.
Seymour Duncan with Hendrix |
I learned this from an article in Vintage Guitar Magazine that I read years later. Ever since that night I was fascinated with the guitars that Hendrix used. I assumed he only liked Stratocasters, but here he was playing a Fender Jazzmaster. And it turns out that Hendrix had a bevy of other guitars that he used throughout his career.
Jimi with his Supro |
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Hendrix with Danelectro guitar |
When Jimi’s Supro guitar was stolen, he purchased a red single pickup Silvertone/Danelectro guitar, model 3021. He named the guitar Betty Jean, after his current girlfriend. Hendrix played this guitar through his time in the Army.
After finishing a stint in the United States Army he saved up enough money to trade his Dano in for a brand new Ephiphone Wilshire. This guitar had twin P-90 pickups, a solid mahogany body and a glued in neck.
Jimi got a gig playing guitar in the Isley Brother’s band. During this 9 month period he purchased his first Fender guitar; a brand new blonde 1959 Duo-Sonic. Sometime in 2010 this guitar was auctioned off for $246,000. In 1959 the Duo-Sonic sold for not much more that $100.
After leaving the Isely’s, in 1964 Hendrix got job as the guitarist in Little Richard’s band. For this job Jimi purchased a sunburst Fender Jazzmaster.
Just before Jimi became famous he used this Gretsch Corvette at the 1967 Curtis Knight recording session. He also owned 1960’s model Gretsch Anniversary guitar.
A white Mosrite Joe Maphis Double neck guitar caught Jimi’s eye at Manny’s Music in NYC. He purchased it and was rumored to have used it on the recording of Spanish Castle Magic.
This guitar was featured at Seattle’s EMP and has since turned to a cream colour due to age and the type of lacquer that was used.
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White Strat |
Most of his Strats were purchased new and his preference was black or white bodies with a maple fretboard. Hendrix could have purchased a “lefty” Stratocaster, but he preferred to flip the guitar over so the controls and tremolo bar would be on the top.
During this era, musicians were trashing their guitars, amps and drums as an added effect for the show. During the March 1968 show I went to, Jimi bashed his guitars headstock into the Marshall, but apparently was saving more serious guitar damage for a larger show.
The first time he became known for setting a guitar on fire on stage in March of 1967. This was at the Astoria Theater in London. Hendrix burned up beautiful 1965 Fender Stratocaster. Tony Garland, Hendrix’s press agent scooped up the remains and placed them in the garage of his southern U.K. home.
In 2008 Garland's nephew put this guitar up for auction and it sold for $450,000.
There was another instance of Hendrix setting fire to a guitar. This occurred at the 1968 Miami Pop Festival. Once again this was amid 1960’s Stratocaster. The remains of this instrument were given to Frank Zappa by Hendrix roadie, Howard Parker. Frank kept it as a decoration on his studio wall for a long time and then had it restored.
In the early 1990’s his son, Dweezil took possession of the guitar. Probably the most well know instance of Hendrix setting fire to his Stratocaster was at the Monterey Pop Festival.
Some people in attendance claim that Hendrix changed guitars and used a much cheaper guitar as the burnt offering. Tony Garland claims that burning the guitar was an idea hatched by Hendrix’s manager, Chas Chandler. The Monterey guitar sold at auction for 237,000 pounds in London in 2012.
According to Jimi’s last girlfriend, Monika Dannerman, Jimi’s favorite guitar was a black 1968 Fender Stratocaster with a white pickguard. After he died the guitar she kept the guitar secure at her home until her death in 1996.
Danneman revealed afterwards that Hendrix had played this guitar on the night of his death. The guitar is now either with the Danneman family or in the possession of Scorpions guitarist Uli Jon Roth, a long-time friend of Monika. It was last seen in public on the December 3rd 1995 in London.
A 1966 Fender Stratocaster guitar was given to Jimi’s record company Anim Limited.
Somehow, one of Jimi’s roadies, James ‘Tappy’ Wright took possession of this guitar and eventually sold it at auction for $360,000.
The guitar that is said he set fire to, during the Monterey performance was a 1964/65 white Fender Stratocaster. Jimi hand painted designs on the body, in the style of his friends, The Beatles. We are told this is the guitar that he ignited.
Possibly the most viewed and memorable guitar Jimi played was the 1968 white Fender Stratocaster he used at Woodstock in 1969. This guitar had the larger head stock design. It was completely stock and is said to be one of Jimi’s favorite instruments.
He practiced on this guitar in hotel rooms and played it on many occasions. The guitar is currently owned by Paul Allen of Microsoft and can be seen at the EMP Museum in Seattle Washington.
After Hendrix became famous he purchased other guitars that were not Fender Stratocasters. Perhaps the most well known is the 1967 Gibson Flying Vee guitar was originally plain black. The psychedelic body paint job was done by Jimi himself. He played it on the concert in Paris during his 67/68 tour – among others.
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Hendrix Flying Vee |
At that point, the guitar lost its original paintwork done by Hendrix, but it was successfully restored/replicated in 1999.
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Check out the WEM amps |
There was a 1969 Gibson Flying Vee that was custom built by Gibson specially for Jimi in 1969. All of the hardware is gold plated, and this guitar is left-handed and equipped with a tremolo bridge. Jimi played it during the Isle of Wright concert on the song Red House.
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1955 Les Paul Custom |
He owned a 1955 Gibson Les Paul Custom that was purchased in Nashville in 1962 by Hendrix and his friend Larry Lee. This was long before he became famous. Hendrix played it for some time in 1968 and 1969 usually only for the song “Red House”. A week before his Woodstock performance Hendrix invited Lee, who had just returned from an Army tour in Vietnam, to play at the festival with his new band Gypsy Sun and Rainbows.
Larry Lee with 55 Les Paul |
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Hendrix's 1956 Les Paul |
Jimi also owned a 1956 Les Paul Custom that he played during a May 1968 performance at the Fillmore East Theater in New York City. This guitar is owned by the Hard Rock Café in Chicago.
Hendrix owned a mid 1950’s Gibson Les Paul Special painted TV yellow. Jimi was seen using it backstage at Madison Square Garden while hanging out with the Rolling Stones.
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1967 SG Custom |
His 1967 Gibson Les Paul/SG Custom guitar is recognizable as he played it on the Dick Cavett Show in 1969. Jimi also played this guitar in Stockholm, Sweden during that same year.
Hendrix ES 345 at EMP |
This beautiful white guitar has three Gibson humbucking pick-ups, instead of two seen on the most of the SG models. Hendrix was also seen playing a 1960’s Gibson ES-345 with a Bigsby.
Jimi also owned a 12 string Zematis acoustic guitar that he used on “Hear My Train A Comin’” was a part of the film recorded in 1967 called “See My Music Talking”.
In 1969, Jimi bought a 1968 Martin D-45 guitar from Manny’s Music shop in New York, and composed on it in his apartment in New York. The guitar was bequeathed to Experience drummer Mitch Mitchell after Hendrix’s death. It was then sold in 1992 to guitar collector Dave Brewis, who later sold it to Experience Music Project.
Jimi owned another Martin D-45 ended up with Noel Redding, who kept it in his house in Ireland until his passing in 2003. Chris Dair was at his house around 1998/1999, when he had the opportunity to play Jimi’s D-45. Noel kept it at his mother’s home for years. The whereabouts of this instrument are unknown.
Epi at Bonham auctions |
This is how he came up with his version of All Along the Watchtower. This twenty-five dollar guitar was sold in 2001 for $77,000. There are a couple other guitars that Jimi owned, but were rarely used.
The first is an Acoustic Black Widow guitar. These were made by The Acoustic Company to go along with their amplifiers. His was made by Bartell of California. In fact it may be a Bartell guitar. These guitars were sold under the Bartell logo and the Hohner logo as well as the Acoustic logo. Because of the F hole, this is probably a Bartell.
The other guitar is actually a bass guitar made by Hagstrom Guitars. This is an eight string Hagstrom bass that Jimi used on a King Curtis recording session.
It was later used by Noel Redding. Redding was seen in Hagstrom guitar advertisements with the eight string bass.
Prior to using Marshall amps, he used Fenders. From 1965 to 1966 he was using a Fender Twin Reverb.
In 1967 Hendrix was becoming the next big thing and s
subsequently signed a contract with Sunn Amplification and used their their 100S Coliseum amplifier with Sunn 100F cabinets that contained one 15” JBL D-130 and a JBL L-E 100=S driver horn.
This powered 4 speaker cabinets. Sunn gave him whatever he needed, but Hendrix ended the contract.
He went on the first Experience tour using Fender Dual Showman amps with all the settings at 10, so the amps burnt out, due to the stress and had to be replaced.
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Hendrix with 3 - 100 watt Marshall Stacks |
Then he discovered Marshall amps, which he used until his death. He usually linked three 100 watt Marshall heads with six double speaker cabinets.
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Marshall 100JH |
Marshall built a signature hand-wired Super 100JH amplifier that was based on one of the amplifiers that belonged to Hendrix. Estimates say he probably went through at least 100 Marshall amplifiers.
Jimi Hendrix’s effects were designed by Roger Mayer. He began using the Octavia Fuzz around 1967 when it was still a prototype. He used this on his first big hit; Purple Haze.
Jimi also used a Univox Uni-Vibe pedal which had two built-in effects; vibrato and chorus. It came with a separate pedal to control the speed of the rotating speaker effect.
He also made use of the V848 Vox Clyde McCoy wah-wah pedal. The Dallas Arbiter Fuzz Face was probably the effect that we most associate with Jimi Hendrix. He used this at every venue he played and on all of his recordings.
Here is a most interesting link about the recording session for All Along The Watch Tower.
I correct this quite a bit but here we go again. That is NOT an Acoustic Black Widow that Hendrix is playing. It's definitely a Bartell, who were the first manufacturers of the Black Widow for Acoustic, and might be a pre-production version branded Acoustic but the headstock is not clear. Production Black Widows had no F-holes. After Bartell made a small amount of the Black Widows, Acoustic moved production to Japan for a majority of the guitar's run, then back to the states where Mosrite made the last 200 or so.
Tosi mielenkiintoinen kirjoitus. Kiitos!
Thanks Ron for you attention to detail. Yep, that is a Bartell. As you know Paul Barth made them and teamed up with Acoustic so the amp company would have a guitar. Later Acoustic used a Japanese firm, since Barth couldn't keep up. I think Semie Moseley was making them too for a short while. I'll make the correction. My readers are my editors. Thanks again.
By November 1966 Jimi and Noel had Marshall amps. Here's a pic of a show in Nov. 66
December 13, 1966 On the set of Ready Steady Go
Jimi actually had 3 flying V's. One was the Psychedelic painted one, another was his lefty with diamond inlays on the fretboard, but then there's this. It's a righty, with dot inlays on the fretboard and no psychedelic paint:
Here's one to add to the collection of rare guitars Jimi owned. A 1965 candy apple red stratocaster:
This one is rare because it has a transition CBS logo (Much bolder than the older "Spaghetti logo"), small headstock, and maple fretboard. Around 58 Fender stopped making maple fretboards because the finished used would flake off easily, and the exposed wood would turn gray, but you could custom order a guitar with a maple fretboard.
This is a 65, because in 66, the headstock changed to a much larger shape, but kept the transition logo. In 68, the logo changed again, and the word stratocaster was in big bold type, (like Jimi's black beauty and the white one)
Jimi abused this candy apple red strat. Note what appears to be a scratch running down the body, that's not a scratch. That's a crack. He smashed it over and over, gluing it back together.
Here's what it looked like at the Saville theater:
And after:
Thank you Anonymous. Great information.
There are some references out there also that say/infer that he also owned a Telecaster which he only used rarely in the studio for recording. Would be nice to find a pic of this if there is one out there hidden away.
The Fender Telecaster was Noel Reddings guitar and he let Hendrix use it.
Cool stuff, thanks for the info.
Hey Mark,
Just stumbled on your blog, great stuff! I had the pleasure of playing the Cheetah club in 1967, we were the first two bands to play there. My band was called Johnny Jay and the Gangbusters and the other band was Curtis Knight, Jimi was his guitar player but he called himself "Maurice" back then, when I heard Jimi's first album, I said to Joey Dee (my new Gig) who the hell or to be exact, what the hell is that?
Joey told me, you know, it's Maurice!! I said wow, it's doesn't sound like him.
That was Jimi's new reinvention of what R&R of that era is supposed to sound like!
He made grown men guitar players want to put their tail between their legs and go back to the wood shed. I could go on and on. Dave Lavender
Rock, blues and jazz guitarist GW Williams is the worlds best,or greatest all around guitar player I've ever listen to.
I've seen other guitar stylists who can't play rock jazz blues classical on both electric and acoustic guitar, like GW Williams.
My question is does anyone know if he's going on tour in the United Kingdom soon in 2016 ?
Thanks Mates
Charles Markus Jr
Another guitar Jimi owned was a 1964 Fender Jazz Master,he used this during the Little Richard ERA. He gave this to a good friend of his Billy Davis who played with Hank Ballard. Billy who was credited to teaching Jimi on guitar was just inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame with the Hank Ballard Band in 2012. At 77 Billy Still has the Guitar Today.
I got to handle one of his guitars once. Not play mind you, but just handle. And ever that was pretty damn magical.
I'm cleaning up this blog and restoring some photos and came across your comment Anonymous. All I can say is Wow!
Oh man. So cool. Great to read all this information in one place. What about the Keith Richards Strat Linda Keith gave Hendrix?
Does anyone know which guitar(s)Jimi used for the "Cry of Love" sessions? More specifically on "Night Bird Flying"?
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Great review, Thank you very much!!!
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Chúng tôichuyên cập nhật các Bí quyết sống khỏe mỗi ngày để chăm sóc sức khỏe cho bạn và gia đình luôn hạnh phúc, khỏe mạnh cùng với những món ngon mỗi ngày tốt cho Sức Khỏe sống khỏe mỗi ngày
I played the gold hardware Flying V in "the Vault" at the Hard Rock Cafe London. (well, it's lefty and I'm righty so "attempted to play" is probably more accurate.
There were quite a few historic, legend-owned/played instruments that people were allowed (with fairly lax supervision) to hold/play...
It was kind of shocking - especially since I was a guitar salesman and used to taking precautions with even inexpensive new guitars when given to customers to demo - protection from rings, belt buckles, zippers, keys in pockets, etc.
It was also a religious experience and I spent the rest of the day wandering around London with a grin plastered on my face.
Aside from Jimi's V, I got to hold/play one of SRV's Strats (w/ original .013 strings still coated in finger grunge), Jeff Beck's '54 Fender Esquire, Keith Richards' SG Custom, one of Les Paul's Les Pauls and a Takamine acoustic/electric owned by Townshend.
This was in 2003, and I haven't been back to London since, so I have no idea if this is still something that one can experience, but if it is - it's an experience that alone is worth a trip to London.
Hendrix also used a white on white Stratocaster with a Telecaster neck in concert more than once
In the booklet of South Saturn Delta with the eponymous track blurb is a picture of him playing a Les Paul Junior
No guitars were burned at Miami Pop, that's only where Howard "H" Parker gave Frank Zappa the body and 2 broken neck pieces. The 1st show was during the day and that would have been anti-climactic and the 2nd show was rained out. Ken Davidoff photographed the entire event and confirms with his book that no guitars were burned there. In his career Jimi burned 3 guitars onstage, 1st at the Astoria, 2nd at Monterey and 3rd at the Ambassador in Washington DC. ALL in 1967. If we believe that the Astoria Strat has recently surfaced then FZ's was a "test burn".
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